natural and sustainably sourced pet products

Our mission is to make pet health sustainable through real foods and ingredients. In doing so, we inspire happier and healthier pets, living an eco-friendly lifestyle.

sustainable business practices

We're creating positive changes to the way we nourish our pets through

plant based ingredients

plastic free packaging

members of 1% for the planet

Feb. 2022 we launched our ocean-friendly dog supplements, and we're not stopping until our grooming supplies are also the best and most sustainable pet products.

plastic free by the end of 2022

We're aiming high and our team is going above and beyond to accomplish the following goals by 2023...

clean our oceans from 20,000 pounds of plastic

We've partnered with Empowered to remove one pound of plastic for every purchase

GET $10,000 donated to 1% for the planet

As members of 1% for the planet, we're committed to donating one percent of our revenue.

save 75 tons of fish + other marine species

One ton of algae oil saves the equivalent of 60 tons of fish, counteracting overfishing and by-catch

4,000 pets swapping their products for sustainable alternatives

We aim to provide planet-loving pet parents with a sustainable alternative to pet health.

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Free U.S. shipping on orders $50+