dogs' eye infections

Dogs' Eye Infections

Dogs’ eye infections are more common than we would like. Squinting red-eyes with smelly discharge and blockages on the tear duct area are commonplaces when you are a dog parent. However, these kinds of infections are very painful and troublesome for dogs. Fortunately, they have treatment.

Symptoms of dogs’ eye infections

Discharge: Although eye discharge in dogs is completely normal, yellow or smelly discharge can warn you something is off. When cleaning your dog’s eyes with Tear Cleaning Wipes, you should check the discharge closely to see if it has any sign of infection.

Redness: Check if your dog’s eyes are pinker than usual. However, take into account that redness is not only a sign of infection: allergies, trauma, and specks of dirt, to name a few, can cause eye redness as well.

Squinting: Dogs tend to squint when they are tired, or when the sun hits their face. If squinting comes together with redness and odd discharge, it can be a sign of infection.

Pawing at eyes: If infected, your dog’s eyes can become very itchy, dry, and painful, so your pup will try to ease this discomfort with his paws, by rubbing them hard.

Causes of eye irritation

Dogs' eyes can become irritated very easily. This discomfort can have multiple causes, such as different sources of allergies (grass, flowers, pollen, dust, and air allergens), infections (like conjunctivitis, keratitis, distemper, bacteria, Lyme disease, or an infection of the cornea), eye disease (glaucoma, and tear duct problems, among others). Besides, any kind of head or face trauma can cause a dog’s eyes to turn red and watery.

Even though dog infections are hardly passed on to other people, they can be transmitted to other dogs. So make sure to wash your hands before and after touching your dog’s eyes.

Home remedies to make dogs' eye infections better

There are some home remedies you can try to alleviate the pain, avoid eye discharge in dogs, and make your pouch feel better. However, please take into account that these are short-term solutions. It is important to consult with your vet, since eyes infections, depending on their severity, need to be supervised and may require antibiotics.

  • Teabag: Prepare a cup of Chamomile tea, let it cool, and then gently apply the bag to the infected eye. A tea bag can clean the area while providing a calming soothing effect.

  • Saline solution: Similar to the one we use, a saline solution can help hydrate and provide relief to your dog’s irritated dry eyes. It will help alleviate the pain and redness.

  • Trim hair around his eyes: Cutting the extra hair will avoid irritation and prevent dirt from entering his eyes. If your dog shows reluctant to it, you can try by giving him a treat.

  • Keep his face clean: If your dog suffers from eye infections repeatedly, make sure to always keep the area disinfected and clean, since discharge build-up can cause further infections. You can use our special Tear Cleaning Wipes which are fragrance-free, help with sensitive and irritated skin, and remove dirt and odor while keeping your pup clean.

To conclude, if your dog is experiencing any eye problem, you shouldn't wait for it to get worse, you need to take him to the vet as soon as possible. Dogs' eye infections, eye discharge, and other conditions can cause severe pain in dogs, and can even be a threat to their sight. In most cases, dogs' eye infections will not go away without appropriate treatment, so it's very important to take them to a specialist. If your dog suffers from eye conditions repeatedly, then you should take him periodically for a close check-up.

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